About Dr. Kashika Jain
Dr Kashika Jain is an internationally renowned celebrity Counsellor, Psychologist & Life-Coach .
Dr Kashika Jain provides Psychological treatment without any medication help.According to her philosophy “All psychological problems arise due to change in thought process and we cannot change our thought process with the help of any medicine. Thought process can be changed with the help of Counseling and Therapy only.”
Till now Dr Kashika Jain has transformed over 40,000+ lives from 2010 till date, through her Counseling/Therapy/ Seminars/ Workshops/ Training.
Doctor for Depression in Meerut
Depression is a common depressive disorder or mood disorder it occurs when people feel bad. Many people feel this disorder in everyday life but no one knows that how depression exactly occurs. It is very complex disorder because many people pass away with this illness but depression”s treatment is also available.
Symptoms of Depression:
• Extremely sadness
• Feeling worthless
• Feeling hopeless
• Scary feeling
• Self blameless
• Decreased energy
• Feel guilty
• Restless feeling
• Continuous thought of suicide and death
• Too much or too little sleeping in a day
Causes of Depression:
In medical community, no one knows how exactly depression occurs. But there are many possible causes and symptoms of depression. Following are the list of causes of depression:
• Genetics: If other people in your family have depression problem or mood disorder in genetics is a high chance to transfer this problem in new generation.
• Brain Imbalance: Injury or other problem in mind is the greater risk of depression in our body.
• Bad Nutrition: Do not give proper food or healthy nutrition to our body causes depression because “You will get what you eat”.
• Health Problem: People do not give proper rest to our body so body feel tired or fatigue so body becomes weak and create health problems and it causes depression in our daily life.
• Some other causes are drugs or take excessive medicines, medical conditions, stress, social factors and environmental factors.
For what reason depression in older adults hard to recognize?
It may be very difficult to tell the difference between depression and illnesses such as dementia. Also, older adults may not talk to their doctor about their sad or anxious feelings because they are embarrassed. Be that as it may, depression is nothing to be embarrassed about. Depression is not a personal weakness; it’s just a medical illness that can be treated.
Once in a while misery first is recognized by friends or family members. In case you're having symptoms of depression, be sure to tell your doctor. Try not to accept the individual will have the option to tell that you are discouraged just by taking a gander at you. Your doctor will ask you inquiries about your side effects, your wellbeing and your family ancestry's of medical issues. The individual in question may likewise give you a test and do a few tests. It is additionally critical to inform your doctor concerning any meds that you are taking.
Why Choose Depression Doctor in Meerut?
• Dr. Kashika jain is the Best Depression Specialist Doctor in Meerut, Therapist and Counselor and her clinic is situated in Mangal Pandey Nagar, Meerut.
• She provides psychological treatment for anxiety, relationship solution, child counselling, insomnia, Dementia, mania, husband wife relationship, child bonding, phobia, autism, addiction, stress, ocd, bipolar disorder, Adhd, Schizophrenia, anger, attention deficit disorder, add, carrier counselling, weight loss therapy and other psychological therapies.
• Best part of her treatment procedure is that, she provides all the treatment without medications because all psychological issues arise due to our thought process and we can not change our thought process by medicine.
• Thought process can be changed only by counselling and therapy.